Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Sleeping Through an Anniversay

There was no candle light dinner but a wife in a drugged snooze at the movies and a husband who loved her anyway.

December 16th, 2016
My last day of work is two weeks away then we’re California bound for chiropractic school! I had a productive morning at the office, just finished lunch and was headed back in. I kissed Addison goodbye and grabbed three glass bottles I needed for milk pick-up day. It had been raining all day and just changed to snow as I walked around the house to my car. I greeted my sister as she walked down the driveway then lost my footing and began to fall. Next thing I knew I was on the ground surrounded by glass. I turned over my hands expecting scrapes but instead found myself staring into a gaping gash in my palm exposing muscle and a giant piece of glass buried in my hand. Half of me started to panic and the other half of me acted - my first aid training kicking in. "Abbey, go grab Addison. Quick!" Okay, deep breaths. Don't look, you'll go into shock. This will require stitches. *takes another look Ooo, and I may have cut a tendon.
Addison ran out to find me covered in blood on the ground. "Oh no! Oooh no!" I burst into tears as the pain and shock began. Addison helped me up and Dr. Lindsay took over again.
"Addison, I need to go to the hospital. Can you take me?" Breathlessly he answered "Yeah...yeah."
"I need two towels and an empty box to put my hands in so I don't get blood all over the car. Also, call Dr. Wade and let him know I won't be in. Please hurry!"
Addison ran inside frantically. Panic set in again and I began sobbing. Addison returned with towels and carefully wrapped them around my hands. He yelled for my brother's help and helped me get in the car. As we drove the pain really set in forcing me to face this unfamiliar reality.
"I start chiropractic school in two weeks!" I cried between wails of pain.
"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" I cried some more."Why?! It was just a little fall."
We pulled into the south Instacare haphazardly and Addison ran around the car and helped me out. We ran up to the doors to find them locked! Addison yelled in frustration while he banged on the door and proceeded to try and pull the door off its hinges. I peered inside through blinding tears. I saw a table full of people turn to see what was causing the commotion.
"I think they're having a Christmas party." I whimpered. Addison continued his efforts as a nurse got up and ran over. She unlocked the door and asked what's wrong. I held up my blood-soaked hands. She stared in shock then called for backup. Another nurse and doctor ran over and rushed me back. They analyzed my wounds and informed me I had to go to the ER. They injected a local anesthetic to help with the pain, wrapped my hands in gauze and called the ER for me.
We ran back to the car and continued to make our way to the hospital. At this point I was fairly upset and cried "Why, lovee? Haven't we been through enough?" Addison rubbed my shoulder on the verge of tears himself, "We'll get through this. We always do. And we'll be stronger for it." He continued to assure and comfort me as I cried breaking down only once at the sight of my pain and whimpered "I'm so sorry, honey. I'm so sorry."
We arrived at the hospital. A car in front of us inched slowly along and a supply truck blocked the entrance. Addison yelled in frustration "Move! My wife needs help!" I told him to let me out so I could begin the check-in process while he got a parking spot. "You sure?" he asked. "Yes, but please hurry. I do need you."
He let me out and I ran inside. I rushed to the check in counter and the woman behind the desk just sat there. I stood there crying for a few seconds. Really? Can't you see I need help here?! Nothing. I became angry and took charge. "I need help!" I yelled. The woman slowly looked up from her computer and looked to the empty seat where I could only assume where the main receptionist sat. She sighed a little. "Okay, come around over here." Oh I'm so sorry to be an inconvenience to you! I thought.
I began to cry and held up my bloody hands. "I'm hurt. A piece of glass is stuck in my hands. Instacare should have called ahead." The woman stared at me her face saying "How does that help me?" Fortunately for her, 1. I was crying too hard to snap at her, 2. the actual ER receptionist showed up and fortunately for me Addison ran in and took care of the rest. All I could think of was getting the glass out of my hand but instead they directed me to the waiting room. More than anything I wanted to yell out "Help me! I want this glass taken out now!" I felt so helpless. I'm use to taking control and helping myself, but all I could do was wait for them to have time to help me. After a few minutes they took me back. 
"So what seems to be the problem?" The nurse asked.
"I have glass in my hand." She proceeded to grab my hand oh so not gently. "Ow!!" This process repeated for hours. They grabbed, prodded and hurt me but left the glass alone when all I wanted was the darn thing out!! Finally a PA took it out. He was one of the only hospital people I could stand. I then had x-rays that revealed an extra piece of glass that was missed. The PA came back to look but he couldn't find it and that's when we discovered I couldn't move my pinky. The PA looked at me and his face fell. "That's not normal." 
I know. I thought. I once again burst into tears. The PA left to get a consult with my old hand surgeon who performed my TFCC surgery four years ago on the same hand. 
Addison rushed to my side. "I'm costing us so much money!" He assured me we would work it out.
"But dear, I can't move my pinky. There's no way I didn't cut the tendon. That's a serious injury that requires surgery, therapy and is one that can't fully be recovered from." Addison held me and assured me God wouldn't give us anything we couldn't handle. 
We were told my hand surgeon from before had retired but a specialist from Tremonton was on his way. To pass the time and get our mind off the day's events, Addison turned on the TV. Ironically, every channel was showing a surgery! Finally we landed on chick flick channel showing the Wedding Planner.
We watched for a little under an hour when the doctor showed up. He informed me the glass cut across my carpal tunnel and he was sure I cut multiple tendons and most likely a nerve. He had already called the OR and had a room scheduled. With both hands wrapped in gauze, Addison had to prep me for surgery. He dressed me, collected my urine sample, changed my pads and still found time to rub my shoulders, wipe my tears and make me smile.
Once we finished Addison was sent off to pick up my medication. I continued watching my movie and a nurse came in to put in my IV. My PA also returned to stitch up the laceration in my left hand. Six stitches between the third and fourth fingers. Not an ideal place for a wound but he did good fixing it up and I was informed this injury would heal in a couple weeks. After they finished another nurse was sent in to get my pre-op vitals. She was awful. The first thing she did was comment on how stupid my movie choice was then she grabbed my newly stitched/IV arm and roughly put on the blood pressure cuff and finger heart monitor. Then she nearly perforated my eardrum checking my temperature and kept commenting on how my life sucked. Thanks nurse for commenting on my pathetic life while I'm down. 
Finally she left and Addison returned. At that moment my family also showed up. My brother and Dad assisted Addison in giving me a blessing. The blessing was beautiful and things went much smoother after that. My surgical nurses were amazing, my family was there and Addison and Justin swapped missionary stories until I was wheeled away to surgery. I was so excited for it to all be over I wasn't even scared. All I had to do was rest and let the doctors take care of the rest. 
My story has a better ending. In my poor luck I did get lucky. The glass entered at an angle so instead of damaging all my tendons it cut through my pinky tendon completely, 50% of another and only minor damage to two more. I really messed up the muscles too but I missed the nerve so I can expect 80% recovery with therapy.

Our Third Anniversary - Celebrating our love in a more meaningful way
The romantic dinner we planned fell through and instead I spent my anniversary recovering from surgery and sleeping through the movie we bought tickets to. Pathetic? A little, but welcome to our life. Our marriage literally began with a storm. Cold winds and blizzard storms wouldn’t stop us; we were SO happy! Life continues to be a storm and has been hard. But marriage has been our strength. Addison never ceases to surprise me with his constant strength and gentle spirit. He is my greatest cheerleader and best friend. And these past few days he’s taken on a new role with such grace. He’s dressed me, helped me shower and learned to cook for me. He’s been amazing! I put the poor fellow through a lot and he hasn't backed down once. Addison has truly demonstrated pure Christ-like love and what it takes to be a spouse in sickness. Our third anniversary wasn’t the textbook romance you dream of, but it was full of real love stronger and 100x better than all the obsessive passion you see in the movies.

Light the World
During this difficult time in our life we would like to thank special angels in our lives. We have been astounded by all the support we’ve received from family members, friends, bosses, neighbors and classmates. We love you and thank you so much! If you would like to help I'm not going to pretend we don't need it. Addison is still healing and has taken a hit from this stressful weekend (his body doesn't do well with adrenaline). We are moving to California the first of January and I'm a chiropractic student with no use of my hands. I'm also in the middle of an insurance change meaning everything may be an out-of-pocket expense. We just launched a GoFund Me account and would greatly appreciate any help we can get. 
Once again, thank you all so much for caring. Everything has been falling into place and God has been so good to us. We have a long road ahead but we know everything will be okay.

Monday, September 5, 2016

We Still Have Work To Do

Hey all!
As you may be aware, we've been busily preparing ourselves for the big move to Northern Cali.

We packed all our winter clothes (hooray for no more Logan winters!), we sold all our furniture in our front room, packed up most of our kitchen and let the landlady know we'd be out in September. Well, we have an announcement. We have to unpack the winter clothes. We're staying in Logan for one more quarter.
There were a lot of thought and prayer that went into this decision, and ultimately we felt like we still have work to do here in Logan. It was a hard decision and Lindsay was a little bummed but such is life. We just have to have faith and follow God's plan for us. :)

In other news, this week was not the greatest.
First, we exploded hot bone broth all over our new car. Such a waste of precious broth and we're super scared the stains won't come out. Much sadness. Seconds after the broth exploded, Lindsay was running in the leaky broth container, Addison threw the keys to her and in an epic fail/miss, the keys landed on the step and exploded. Batteries and buttons flew everywhere into the grass. We were already running late to work and now we had to frantically search through the grass to find all the pieces. Good news though, we were able to find all parts and put the key back together.
A couple days later, Lindsay dislocated her knee at work. Story time: I just got a new anti-fatigue mat at my desk that morning. It was cushy and nice, but a little sticky. A timer went off notifying me I had to go help a patient out of traction. As I turned to go and help, my shoe stuck to the mat. My body went and my knee didn't and the patella completely dislocated. I crashed to the ground, but fortunately my training kicked and I was able to protect my head. My coworker was working next to me and yelled out. All I could do was weakly hand her the timer and tell her to help the patient while I lied sprawled across the floor breathing deeply while I embraced the pain. The patient got out and walked to the desk asking how I was doing. I waived her on saying I was fine and to have a good weekend. Embarrassing. My coworker ran and grabbed me some ice and frantically tried to find a way to help. I looked up at the schedule and saw four more patients were to arrive in the next few minutes and I didn't want the first thing they see was me sprawled every direction across the floor. I'd had enough embarrassment for one day thanks, I didn't need to add teary sprawling in front of crowds to the list. Plus, did I mention I was in a knee length skirt this entire time? Fortunately I wear shorts under my skirts. Anyway, I managed to prop myself up and drag myself behind my desk where I sat with my ice pack, continually taking deep breaths and desperately trying not to cry. While this was all going on, the doctor was in with a new patient. He got out of the exam room and took the patient back for x-rays. When they were all finished, the doctor walked up to the front desk expecting me to be standing there to help the new patient schedule. He looked confused at my coworker when she stepped up to help instead since that wasn't her assigned job for the day. She pointed down behind the desk where I sat pathetically. He ran to me, gave me an exam and made sure the patella was set back correctly then proceeded to carry me to a bench in the kids room to rest - all while the new patient frantically asked "Is she okay?". Sigh. Whoa is me. Anyway, I'm doing great now. My knee isn't even swollen anymore. It's still very sore, but I've already regained mobility and my ROM is pretty fantastic. It's never healed this quick before and I tribute that to my coworker quickly grabbing me some ice, the doctor's adjustments and care, and Addison being just an absolute angel - making dinner, buying me my favorite paleo treats and helping me do the most simple tasks I couldn't for a couple days. I have the most amazing people in my life. Thank you everyone!
 And last, but not least, Addison did a flip demo at work and landed on his glasses this week.
Yup, the Addison glasses are toast. Much sadness. But just wait until you see the new ones we ordered! Addison's new look is going to be epic!

Lindsay: The week does have a happier ending. While sitting in church for fast and testimony meeting, I began to reflect on my testimony. Sometimes life feels like a never ending stream of trials. This week was bad, and in fact the past month or two have been pretty hard as well. But through it all, we are never alone. I was in a pretty dark place while I sat in a crumpled, pathetic heap on the floor writhing in pain. And, while it was embarrassing at the time, the doctor running over to help and carry me to a more comfortable place was just what I needed at that time, even though I didn't want to admit it and fought him on it. Trials are humbling experiences we sometimes need so God can help us. So don't let pride get in the way. Accept His help, trials or not. Maybe this was one of the lessons I needed to learn before moving cuz I'm sure chiro school will be no picnic, and if it is it will be a picnic on raft in a river of sharks. :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

One Last Adventure In Our First Car

Well guys, it's official. Our Ford Escape is gone.
But of course, our last drive in old bessie had to turn into a cRaZy adventure. But first, a drive down memory lane.
Addison picked up Lindsay for their first date in this car and all the bazillion dates after. Awe! Look at our young, dating selves! :)
Yellowstone! The Ford broke down on Addison's way down to pick Lindsay up to go meet his family for the first time so he ended up spending the night at some strangers house that his sister knew maybe. Eventually he and Lindsay both got to Yellowstone and had a marvelous time.
Lindsay's first trip to California for Addison's cousin's wedding.
That time Addison asked Lindsay to marry him and, even though she drove right by the Ford, she didn't notice.
Wedding day! The Ford swept us away from the church to our California Christmas/Catalina Island Honeymoon.
Spring Break in California! This time the radiator exploded on our way back to Utah. We were crazy fortunate to make it home!!
Bear Lake Adventure with our Friends. Very long story short: we took a wrong turn...over and over and over again. How the Ford ever made it up that hill is a complete mystery but we were so blessed to come across a couple hunters on our hike who saved the day!

A round of applause for our heros! Thanks guys!
The last adventure. We bought the Mountain Goat and the Ford become the lonely third wheel of the family so the poor thing sat in the driveway all winter. Finally spring came and Lindsay drove it to work. On the way home the brake line broke! Fortunately the e-brake worked! That's when we decided it was time to sell. So our awesome mechanic fixed it up (thanks dad!). The next day we decided to take it out for a spin to charge the battery and give it a good washing. So we drove up and around Cache Valley being extra careful since the registration expired two months back. All was good, no cops and the battery only died once at a stop sign. (That was exciting...) Finally after 30 minutes of panicked driving the battery was charged. We pulled into our favorite car wash behind a long line of cars when Addison yells: "Oh no!" He stared in horror at the rearview mirror. Lindsay looked. A cop pulled up behind us for a car wash too! All we could do was laugh. So we did. Fortunately the cop was on break or didn't care because he wanted a clean car so he didn't come after us. We got the car washed and the Ford sold a couple hours later. Goodbye old buddie. It's definitely been one adventure after the other!